I have almost as much fun shopping for theme nights as I do wearing them at TTR. Can't wait for the July theme nights list to come out!!!
Do people do both the resort and CCC themes equally? We are going early April and there are themes for both on some nights. Just wondering which one to pack for? Guess I could bring something for each
Not all TTR guests are on CCC and they usually follow the resort themes, the people here tend to go with the themes discussed here. I would not worry about packing for both, pick the ones you like and go for them. The BEST part of TTR is everything works! And no one will ever say "why are you wearing that" or "why didn't you dress up" I'm a chubby old guy and got mobbed by 8 young ladies that could be my daughters all because they loved my lingerie outfit It's all fun, Of course if you are nervous it's pretty easy to run up and change as the night goes on too!
When we went in November, there was always around 50+% of Paty'Os dressed up, with most following the resort theme nights and quite a few in what we suspect was the CCC themes. We were not aware of this site before that trip, but it made sense after. lingerie and the white night had the highest amount of involvement.