Make sure you have your passport when you go to the bar, they are going to want to make sure you are old enough to drink. By the way, it's our age, not are age.
Give them a break.. they're just horny! But on the subject of age.... first Temptation lesson for you... forget age... you will be surprised if you find out people real ages and some of the people you will be drooling over have grandkids your age... So go enjoy and hope you can keep up! Jamie
Suppose you're right, I shouldn't pre-judge, especially when the key to the whole age thing is to not pre-judge. lol
The average age in our room seems to go up each year. In your 20s, you'll be slightly on the young side of the average. Everyone has said this already, and you may not understand that it's true until you experience it...but Temptation is just different that way. It's not like when a 50 year old walks into a busy college bar...or if a group of 21 year olds parties in an American Legion, where everyone gives that awkward stare to whoever doesn't seem to fit in. We have amazing friends at Temptation in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. No one looks at people and tries to sort out how old everyone's truly how you act and nothing else. If you're judging people by their ages, you will limit your fun.