That's a very thoughtful fashion explanation...and it makes sense. However, I'm a simple guy...I just check to make sure Jamie's tits are falling out and I'm giving it two thumbs up. To hell with color.
I don't know what I see for sure, the glare coming off the ten feet of f--king snow outside my window is causing me some serious vision problems... what I do think I see, though, is about halfway up the picture on the right side, the blurred outlines of some bottles of yellow liqueurs that I could probably make some very interesting shooters out of......... and I'm also thinking the jacket top of that dress, along with a a bow tie, a micro-mini g-string, and high heels would make a cute outfit for the Mrs-to-be for lingerie night......... f--k, how desperately do I need to get to Temptation if this is where my mind wonders when looking at this picture, lol :banghead:
I find if you stare at it it shifts from white gold to blue black. I think part of it is letting your eyes adjust while staring.
Its clearly white and gold anyone who sees anything else please rush to your eye doctor, wait let me get the Mrs. she have 15/15 vision after lasek lets see what she sees
Wow...we all really really really need a Temptation vacation. Like now! We've all got cabin fever - especially those of us in the frozen north.