We are arriving Mid June and only have one month before paying off the balance of the holiday to the tour company we have booked with, but now after reading the previous thread of the incident that has taken place my wife has become nervous. We are both looking forward to coming to TTR for the first time but now its up in the air .. What to do !!!!
Don't think twice just go. There is way more respect for people in that resort than anywhere else you could find. This is not the norm. Forget about that post. Just respect people and if there is a drunk jerk around just move. I can make one promise. If you don't go you will regret it. Nicest and most respectful peeps you will ever find
We have been many many times...like any place there can be those types of incidents but the resort it awesome! One word of caution....after you go you will most likely be addicted and want to return again and again and again and...... Have fun!
You will have an amazing time and meet fantastic people. We are on trip number 7 and had not trouble, yes you get some very drunk people who can be jerks , but here plenty of people who arent and you can just ignore them . You will never regret going
This will be our fourth trip, all in June. We never seen an incident like that occur. To be honest, we have seen the occasional drunk guy get obnoxious, but that well happen any place that unlimited alcohol is served. Just walk away, and notify security if persists. They will take care of it. Keep this all in perspective, look how many posts and people have not had any issues at TTR. The Junk Junkie group does a really great job watching out for each other, and Mrs Shiner has never had any concerns at all. I would say to go, you'll have a great time. We will overlap a couple of days with you, and we know lots of the group there in late June, and they are a wonderful group. It will all be good, and you will have the time of your lives!!
Gosh, its not putting us off, it can happen anywhere, its prob a minority that are on this forum, there will be hundreds of people who go each year that are not on here, will never hear about this and have a great time, incident free.
This can happen any where . This is are 7th time we have seen the odd idiot that has been to drunk and beening a pain but you are going to get it most place where there is free alcohol. don't let it put you off the ppl that are not idiots out way the ppl that are !