F*ck You Temptations – Please Read!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Ingram, Feb 13, 2015.

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  1. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    So I haven't said anything on this thread, because without seeing it myself, or hearing from a credible key eye witness, it is pointless to take sides. It is surprising that so many people say "I heard" or "I just left". Where are the real witnesses?? Maybe they are just not members of this site, or are still on vaca. Or maybe people did see it, and it wasn't clear to anyone what happened, so people just want to stay out of it and not take sides. It is crazy to believe(and shitty for whoever was more innocent) that no witnesses went to the front to verify one side of the story or the another, and Temptation would make a decision off of just a bloody face. The security thrown in the pool sounds like complete BS to me. So I feel there are 3 parties all telling it the way they want, with the resort making up the most unrealistic parts involving a table and a wet security officer.

    What I did want to comment on mostly was St Louis Blues' comment above. I have been to the resort twice and never had anything close to this happen to me. I never saw grabbing from guys that aren't supposed to be grabbing. And I have never seen any fights. And frankly this all surprised me very much. I am not sure how much you get out, but I am out and about often. I go to the bar often, I go to large social gatherings often, I go to all day drinking events like St. Pats and Oktoberfest, I go to weddings often, I go to sporting events, and FIGHTS, GRABBY GUYS, SHIT TALKERS, THOUGH GUYS, DRUNK PEOPLE, D-BAGS, and OBNOXIOUS GIRLS are everywhere! They cause problems everywhere. Things like this, and what other posters have said, happen all the time. To avoid a vacation because you hear stories like this is pretty much like saying you don't want to go to any social event where there are large groups of adults, and drinking. And in my personal experience I have seen way less problems after 14 days of drinking and hard partying at TTR, then I have seen at all of those other types of events in just one instance.

    I do feel for the OPs, and I am very sorry they had to end up in jail. The wife ending up in a cell, with the fear of being raped, is the worst. If I was on the other end of the situation, and even if I didn’t feel like I did anything wrong in the fight, I would have went to the jail to try and get her out. Even if it was a risk of me ending up inside myself. It isn’t fair to put any human in that situation. I really think the resort should have been able to mediate the situation on their own. I normally would not back down from someone, and I never start fights (in my adult life), but now hearing this unfortunate tale, it would be much easier for me to go to a bartender or security first, instead of trying to handle it myself.

    Also just to comment on this age old debate, I never classify problem guys as "single guys". That's a label that has no meaning to me. Yes maybe the bulk of people that start problems happen to be single, but an asshole is an asshole, and a drunk one with no self-control is even worse. A married guy, with a wife or gf that isn't really into him on the vacation, is just as likely to be a problem as a single dude.
  2. rivercity maxxx

    rivercity maxxx Regular Registered Member

    Feb 26, 2013
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  3. kmontoya

    kmontoya I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2009
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    west jordan utah
    +133 / 0
    This to me is sad! I know how people can drink and get stupid. I do believe this was handled wrong. TTR should have investigated this before anyone was taken away. To me its not about single guys. Its about people not handling their alcohol. Have I met creeps there? yes! move away from them. If they become a problem go report them. Have I hit a creep? yes. when no means no didn't work! but when In mexico, gotta keep the thought in mind of shit going very wrong. I really hope you can get a refund for what you lost. good luck though. here in the states we were in vegas and someone broke into our room damaging the door. we reported it, right away, and we were charged for the damage!! they had no cameras in the halls to prove it wasn't us!! 600.00 for a new door! So from now on we wont stay anywhere where there isn't a camera showing the room door. I ramble, just wanted to say sorry you had to go through this!
  4. Theoriginalparrotthead

    Theoriginalparrotthead I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Portland Or.
    +8 / 0
    Scuba Steve.. Please don't try to convince him to come to TTR. I was hoping for that one trip where I'll be the only one there!!!!
  5. dave6868

    dave6868 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 7, 2015
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    northwest New Jersey
    +11 / 0
    I agree with the last few posts. Most people know what kind of "drunks" they are (excuse the expression)I am a happy mellow "drunk". Most people know how they act when they drink so if you are a nasty drunk then stay home because everyone at temptations is there on vacation to have a good time. All of us have to go home to our everyday lives and an incident like this could affect someones future with their job or home life. I hope that in the future there are no more incidents like this but I think now there will be other people looking out for their NEW friends. Sorry for the rant.
  6. Justrob

    Justrob Guru Registered Member

    Jun 26, 2014
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    The few assholes you deal with at TTR is still way less assholes than youre gonna deal with at most places when that much alcohol is involved.
  7. FunFoss

    FunFoss Addict Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    +1 / 0
    So true!!
  8. RedSkiBums

    RedSkiBums Guru Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    Some town in the hinterland of BC, Canada
    +1,429 / 8
    We vote Scuba Steve for Grand Poohba. Dude, your speech nailed it perfectly in every aspect.
  9. TexasFunnSun

    TexasFunnSun Addict Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Houston, TX
    +40 / 0
    If you go way back in this thread you will see my posts about the need to be more restrained and cautious in Mexico (when dealing with potentially escalating situations). THAT is the lesson that should be gleaned from this thread.

    We used to go to Mexico and walk across the border 4-6 times a year. Back then it was a simple exchange of dollars to get a buddy out of hot water, usually before you got to the station. Most of the time you were negotiating to get him out of the back of the police car. The cost was always escalated by his position: In officers' hands, in cuffs, in car, at station, in a cell. Each step was more expensive.

    As to those that suggested an attorney, in Mexico, if you are going to get out by paying your tribute to the police, they want the dollars they want. If the attorney gets a lower number, your total will be the same as you have to pay the attorney.

    Now if you REALLY get in trouble there, you will need an attorney licensed in US that also has either license in Mexico and/or has a buddy in Mexico that is an attorney.

    It is just a fact that Mexico runs on side money.

    None of us saw the incident. There are always two sides to every story and usually the "truth" is somewhere in the middle of both versions.

    I agree that the resort should make every conceivable effort to resolve or diffuse the situation before getting the police because they know what potential risk they are exposing their guests to.

    By the same token, when you are at Temptation and get confronted by someone that does not know how to behave, YOU need to do everything to not let the situation get out of hand. If you are in a group. if someone starts harassing a female in the group, 4-6 guys all creating a wall and herding the irritant away works well. If requests to go away don't work, then a group request to bartenders/security will probably resolve the issue.

    Always remember, the problem person usually has nothing to lose. You are in Mexico and things can get bad quick. I have a generally bad temper and little patience, but in Mexico I have almost unlimited patience and the ability to smile and move on. After all, I am on vacation. the time is short and I am not going to waste it on some A-hole that cannot behave when drinking.

    Obviously if someone starts something physical first you need to shut it down with prejudice, but again since you are in Mexico, make sure it is measured.

    Last note, this thread really turned negative at a point. It needs to die and go away as this isolated incident is being blown up as though it is common. Those that are going for first time are getting an unfair and unwarranted impression.

    While there be aware, be smart and have a great time.
  10. dynamite

    dynamite Addict Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2013
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    Toes in the sand
    +104 / 0
    I think people who have never been to Mexico need to read this and be warned. Mexico is like no other country I have been to. the corruption is very bad. You cannot act the way you would act at home in Mexico I have seen people set up by the policia. I met one guy who was asked if he wanted marijuana on the beach by a vendor selling seashells. Money was exchanged in the policia rush right over to them. They let the vendor go but extorted $200 from the person who bought the marijuana.

    This is just one example of the corruption in Mexico. It is common in the States for people to get physical when their significant other is disrespected. No matter what the true story is in this thread there is a lesson to be learned. It is not worth the risk taking things in your own hand you need to go the extra mile to stay calm and let the resort handle things.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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