What a great valentines gift!!! We have been in March before and there weren't too many male spring breakers.
Lenni, Stacia & I are going to be there until March 6, so we'll get the party kicking off right with ya!
Just the right kinda people to kick off the begining of 2 weeks of awesome and extremely needed vacation time, looking forward to havin a few with you guys once again. Maybe a game of drunken jenga and more hints of blonde, brunette, or red heads. Just a good excuse to grab a squeeze lol
Okay cats out of the bag... time to get the theme nights dress code in full effect. She's ready to party
Wish we was going the better half wants to go to Jamaica this year for something different, so going first part of May Lenni the MAYOR hold the fort down and have a blast
I think She said Jewels Paradise Cove looks very laid back to me I'm thinking very BORING but its beats WORK
Well don't tell her I said this but while in Jamaica lol.... Hedo is just a stones throw away in Negril, kinda like TTR from what I've been told, but less clothing. I believe there is a nude side and a prude side if ya don't want to be in your birthday suit and have jr smiling in the sunshine all day lol, but from experience elsewhere, apply lots of sunscreen if you do go naked
I believe JPC was the old HEDO III she has went through some breast cancer in past year and half so parting has slowed down a bit but all is good
Glad to hear everything is okay with her, give her a hug from us and I'm sure we will bump into each other down the road again soon