Got you added but what is your gf's name? That way we don't upset our dates by calling her "Hey Girlfriend!" and having them think the worst. Jamie
OK.... Latest update done! We're officially halfway there at 400 people!!! Now I know we'd be blowing the doors off of this number if half the people you're talking to over on FB would also post their dates here. Get it done! Make Steve's estimating job for the Boobs Cruises easy by giving him just one source to count from. The more people on the list, the more Boobs cruises that go out. It's all up to you guys. Jamie
Officially checking in. I arrive Sunday morning, May 3rd and fly out Wednesday afternoon May 6th. That gives me only 3 nights. Gotta make it count! :daveandmo::flash::69::headbanger: eta: (Paul and Amber)
76 days and counting!!! Very very skimpy theme outfits check!! Tanning started need AIWC and just about ready to party!!