Been there twice last year actually. I have stated my opinions before. Trying to illicit other peoples thoughts. I agree with the previous post about changing the games a little bit. The ENT was terrible in May but appears to have improved significantly. So I think the place is looking good again and plan on going there again this year at some point.
Thanks Steve. I started to feel bad for a moment there. I am certainly guilty of asking questions I am sure have been asked before. Obviously I am looking for answers, but more importantly, as someone new to CCC, I am looking to create conversation, and meet people that hopefully we will be enjoying an awesome week with at TTR in a couple of months. I can't do that by just reading previous threads.
Best 3 things: 1) The friendships you make and people you meet! We've always had such a blast and thanks to Steve doing an awesome job with CCC we've been able to find out SO much useful information prior to travel etc 2) Sexy Pool fun and partying at Paty'o for theme nights! 3) The general ambience of TTR, the friendly staff and the welcome you get when you arrive! Negatives (scraping the barrel really here...) 1) Poorly maintained a/c units in some rooms 2) Buffet can sometimes get a little repetative! 3) SOME single guys who just wanna creep or annoy the hell outta you! overall we LOVE TTR and the friends we've made there! Hence in Octoberr it'll be our 3rd trip on 3 years, also holds a significant place in our hearts as we honeymoon'd here in June 2013!
Bryan, I didn't really see many negatives during my times there except for the ENT staff. This has been fixed since I left. I agree with your post.
Thank You so Much Steve for your reply!! I have wanted to start a new thread for questions I have, and simply will NOT do it, because you have the hateful, and rude replies from some people that are Always on here making ugly comments every where you look. I am almost to the point of leaving this forum all together because of the people who seem to try their best to make others feels stupid for asking something on here. They are the "know it alls"
I quite like this thread, we havnt been before so its nice to get peoples opinions, I know you can search for answers, but its nice to get up to date facts.
Like many on here, we take only one major trip each year...normally to TTR. In addition to the amazing days we spend at the resort, we have a great time planning the next trip, and thanks to Cancuncare, we can meet new friends, stay in contact with old friends, and stay up to date on what's happening at Temptation. Cancuncare is a unique tool we all are lucky to be a part of. Steve's comments were right on the mark. There seems to be a bully mentality with a few sometimes against new members or certain questions, and I just don't get it. If simple questions about the resort somehow upset you...let others answer them. Any newbies out there are welcome to send me a PM or a visitor message with any newbie type questions...I'll do my best to help.