F*ck You Temptations – Please Read!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Ingram, Feb 13, 2015.

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  1. Coolcat1226

    Coolcat1226 Regular Registered Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I agree. The resort should've listened to both sides of the story.

    The drunk dude sounds like he instigated the incident after not taking "no" for an answer.

    Guys like that should be thrown out of the resort.
  2. Coolcat1226

    Coolcat1226 Regular Registered Member

    May 4, 2014
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    The last time I was at TTR was as a "couple" not as a single male. I have seen single males who appeared out of control and almost had an altercation during one of my visits.

    The "single guy" calmed down after I spoke with him and "wanted to be friends" afterwards. So it went from a confrontational to friendly situation by me DEFUSING it in a firm yet not overly confrontation manner that preserved his dignity. That is a critical aspect in defusing a situation. If you make the guy feel like a "loser", especially when drunk, he will often up the ante due to ego preservation.

    Sometimes, a single guy can't be reasoned with at all and he should be removed from the resort. I have had altercations before during spring break (not TTR) that involved actual physical violence due to an overly aggressive guy. This is a last resort option though.

    However, I have also seen the opposite occur where the female was the belligerent party and decided to yell at a male unprovoked for buying her a drink or for any kind of flirtation.

    I have seen women push and even punch men in an unprovoked manner because they felt that they could get "away with it as a woman".

    So one has to be impartial in these situations.

    The resort appears to have handled this poorly without asking other witnesses/security/etc about how the event unfolded.
  3. Ingram

    Ingram Regular Registered Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    Honestly, by the time I got to the front the drunk guy was in there screaming and being held back by security. It was complete chaos. Cops were already there, it happened in a flash. Whoever was in charge at the front had already made their decision.

    I'm sure it didn't paint a great picture for the people checking in.

    In retrospect I wish I had brought people to the front with me. Security left me for a good 10 mins at the bar after dragging the drunk guy off. We all figured he was getting put to bed or maybe even a boot. None of us for a second thought I was facing any sort of repercussion.

  4. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    I'm not saying it can't happen with the single guy being innocent in this type of situation, but married or single women at a resort such as TTR DO NOT go out of their way to attract unwanted attention, and then to escalate a bad situation. It's just not how they do things. Telling a drunk guy to "Fuck-Off" is not their first line of defense either, and usually only happens after the harassment has continued and previous attempts to escape the drunk jack*ass have failed. The last thing they are after is a physical encounter, and that only happens when they feel cornered. If he was innocent he had plenty of opportunity to walk away but obviously chose not to. The drunk guy had it coming, and a lot more.
  5. Donald

    Donald Devil's advocate Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2010
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    the issue was not on whether or not the guy was single , but on how the resort/security/and police handled the issue.

    there are a lot of other threads on single guy issues
  6. Ingram

    Ingram Regular Registered Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    I agree. I never set out to make this an anti-single guy thread. We've met lots of great singles at TTR.

    I'm quite sure it was his first day there so I never caught his name prior to this incident. All I know is he was drunk and single, so i refer to him as the drunk single guy, lol

  7. bigsexy&misssexy2012

    bigsexy&misssexy2012 Shot Opus & Toga Fan Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I've read through all of these comments, and wanted to share my thoughts.

    1. The resort handled this badly. The security team, the management, and the other staff should have shared notes and resolved the issue internally.
    2. It sounds like, last year sometime, there was a sea change in the approach by the resort to these type of issues. There is a considerable reduction in the patience applied. It seems that about the same time they brought security back "in-house" this crack down took place.
    3. There is safety in numbers - more is better, and the more friends / witnesses / well tipped resort team members you have on your side the better off you will be.
    4. As someone else said before here, keep a low profile. Easier for some than others, but be careful.
    5. Walk away in any situation. Security, and probably front desk staff, cannot or will not help you based on their good will
    6. Also as stated prior, you are in a foreign country, and despite your rights and treaties and such, their laws are going to be applied first and foremost.
    7. Lastly, it does seem that TTR should, but may not, answer some questions here. Like anything else, if $$$$ talk that will likely push them to address and fix this situation.

    I am still planning to come and have fun in April, however the outcome of this situation will have an impact on booking future trips.

    Sent from Ohio starring BigSexy&Misssexy
  8. Coolcat1226

    Coolcat1226 Regular Registered Member

    May 4, 2014
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    That assumption shouldn't automatically be made. Are you honestly saying no "single women or married women" are ever rude and tell men to "fuck off" or even push them unprovoked?

    Please don't attempt to tell me all these incidents are "man is bad, woman is good" because "women are never like that".

    Lets not pretend all women are "sugar and spice" while its always men who are "abusive and drunk".

    This incident appears to be the drunk dude's fault.

    I have been to spring break events where women are rude and physically aggressive when drunk. They feel they can get away with it because "I'm a woman and you can't hit me".

    They also assume the "White Knight" brigade will immediately take her side regardless of the circumstances.

    It is sexist to assume the female is always right without taking into account the full story.
  9. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Either place ain't so bad Donald....they both have free food
  10. Just Jeff

    Just Jeff Guru Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2003
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    This situation reminds me of why we enjoy our June Junkies group.
    First off it NEVER would have gotten anywhere near where the Mrs. would have had to tell someone to "F-Off". Men from our group don't let the ladies endure 10 seconds of that. There would have been 4 or 5 June Junkie men at her side, probably in front of her (even if she wasn't with our group) to defuse the whole thing. Where were the real men at (not implicating the husband, he was too far too far away to see the beginning) during the beginning of all this? Should have never ramped up to a point of a physical altercation.
    And I guaranty there'd have been someone else getting security involved way before it escalated to shoving.

    If one of our husbands needs to walk away, he just lets one of the group know and the wife will be looked after by the group. The ladies even have a hand gesture we use when they are in a situation they need help with (creeper hand sign). All our group know it and what to do when we see it.

    Sorry this happened to you and your wife.

    So many lessons to be learned from this by all of us, including the resort. Sorry it was you that had to pay the price for a few good men not taking charge earlier in the event to keep this from getting out of hand and eventually money out of your pocket.

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