Hey all. For what it is worth, I was sick one of our trips. I went over to the Pharmacia across the street. I talked to the Pharmacist about my symptoms. Nausea, cramping, etc. Montezuma Revenge basically. He recommended a product called Flagonase SP?? Basically, I took one pill every 8 hours. Works like a charm and got me feeling better in no time. I bought some to bring back home. It helps with flu symptoms and much more. If you have something else that truly ails you other than Alcohol, remember to talk to the Pharmacist or the locals.
I've had the "Aztec 2 Step" twice in over a dozen years or so visiting Mexico, once really bad, both times in Puerto Vallarta, never Cancun. I read somewhere once that there is a certian bacterioum in the food SOTB that the locals systems are used to and yours is not. Depending on the strain, and how it hits your immunity system is what makes you ill. On the flip side, when Mexicans go NOTB to visit, sometimes they will get ill for the same reason, their system is not used to it.:ernaehrung023:
Do you think its because we are obsessed with everything being sprayed, sanitized and de bugged, makes us more susceptible? We spent three weeks travelling round India and no Delhi Belly. My rules, stay hydrated, don't eat rice unless freshly cooked, don't drink the water. Bit different for TTR, but it was better eating with the locals in India than in tourist restaurants.
PSA - Our experience taught us to go anywhere but there! Take a quick bus ride towards WallyWorld, think its called Ahorra and it is a popular chain.
I came home with severe upset stomach for a couple weeks after our trip two year ago. For some reason I can't explain I ordered a glass of water with my breakfast each day. Felt like I wanted it... I remember people saying Cancun Hitel Zone had this huge water filtration system that made the water safe Trip this year did everything the same except for the glass of water, and no problems. After the previous years experience, I definetly didn't feel like I wanted water at breakfast.
If the water was really an issue , every one would be sick all the time, all fountain drinks are mostly tap water , all slushy ( drink) are mostly tap water ,all produce is washed with tap water, coffee,,,,,
I had to cough and cough like two weeks and Dr said it was a URI but I never get sick and fought it hard, so in the meantime I guess from covering my mouth when coughing I must have rubbed my eye and it got infected too! I never got sick in Mexico. No Germs can infect me there. But this coughing sickness. It will kick your ass and your eyes might even get infected! I think I'm immune to it now and may have acquired super powers. I will test out my abilities in March at Temptation! See you there! Leave your Germs at home please!
Every year. Yep flu season and the flu has an incubation period of 7 days. So guess what you or whoever is sick probably had before they got there or caught on the plane. Add drinking, no sleep and once again your sick. I lose my voice every year. Drunk talking lol but I never have ever blamed it on catching anything. Just excessive partying. Take Vitamin C with you it honestly helps but keep it in the fridge or it becomes soggy crap from humidity.
We took probiotics starting about a week before our trip. And we took EmergenC, more for the hangover, but I'm sure it helped. We didn't have any issues.