Hi guys and gals Coming from England where we don't do Mardi Gras what would you guys wear. Looked online and it seems to be all girlie outfits with the odd guys mask. So what would you wear with the mask? I can see it coming already girls "nothing" so we'll get that one out of the way lol. 10 days and counting
Go in Drag! No one knows you.... no one cares, just take beads to give. Hit up walmart before yall leave.
Afraid we don't have Walmart in UK haha. Not too sure about the drag last time the shoes killed me!! So that's what the beads are for to give away - calls for a limerick There was a fella called Al Went to the mardi gras dressed as Val This guy he was silly Put his beads round his willy Now there still lost somewhere in his gal!!
Hell whatever you want. Just have a fun time with it. After all no one knows you and no one gives a shit! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Walmart For Walmart = Asda. Have a look at their "fashion" section........ or just get an all over tan !!!!artytime:
Oooh I hope they do this one in October!, beads, sparkly stuff, tassles feathers...love dressing up, have a look on Amazon for Mardi Gras outfits.
Green, purple, and gold colors. I have a green dress, purple mask, feather earrings, and lots of beads!