its first time for us ,,,, from the 30th May to 9th June and yes she has been out shopping all ready :icon_rolleyes:
June 11th - 23rd for me 6th trip and 3rd with the Junkies. I miss the Junkies and need my Junkie fix. BTW i will need expressos on the 11th by the time i get there.
Well Alan, instead of an espresso, I could repeat last year's deal and have a shot waiting for you....
Question I see all of the designations - Newbie, Regular, Addict, Enthusiast... How do these designations get assigned. This is our 3rd visit and I'm looking to be promoted from Newbie to _______ What's next?
We are making plans for Buffet in Frisco on May 30th. Not sure I could do another week at TTR, land and the next day start the whole Buffet tailgate party again this year. My check liver light was on the whole drive home that Sunday. Jeff :beer4: