Depends on which roll call you want to be on, the one posted here on CCC or mine. If mine send me the following, ok? Woody OK Folks! I’m putting together April’s 2015 file for us 2014 TTR April Addicts. Please don’t send any info thru Face Book or CCC, OK? If you want to get on it, please E-mail me your: REAL 1st NAMES, CANCUNCARE SCREEN NAMES, DATES YOU’LL BE THERE (IF YOU’RE THERE MOSTLY IN APRIL) (NOT GOING TO INCLUDE FOLKS THAT ARE THERE MOSTLY IN MARCH OR MAY THIS TIME) & A PICTURE OF YOU (FACE CLOSE-UP IF POSSIBLE), ALONG WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO ME— As the list updates, I will forward it to everyone on the list that I have addresses for. Hopefully this worked out for most when we did it last year (270+) on last April’s list), so let’s see if we can do it again! Woody & Sue PS: If you just print out the pages of people that will be there in your time frame, I figure it’ll be sort of like a Pre-Meet for those of you that might not know anyone (1st Timers). 326 on the list guys!! Here's a link to Woody's latest Roll Call 2015 Bookings.pdf?dl=0
Visiting Temptation in April 2015??? Looking for people who are going to Temptation the same time as you? Post your dates here and also add them to the Cancuncare Calendar. Splashing out on new sexy swimwear or evening wear? Maybe you're looking to buy a costume for the theme nights? Please check out these ultra sexy Temptation wear outlets. If you still haven't booked your hotel or airport transfer then check out the prices of several different Temptation providers here: Temptation Hotel Deals - Cancuncare To help you recognise fellow forum members we now have the official orange cancuncare bracelets available to order online. We also have 32oz Bubba Mugs with cancuncare logo available too. They are available from the following link: Cancuncare Merchandise About roll calls: - Once we have a few people I'll update the list in date order with your usernames, dates and avatar. - Updates are every so often, infrequently to start and more frequent as we get closer. - If you post your dates the roll call doesn't automatically update with your pic and dates - I have to add this manually. - Please don't email me to ask to be added to the list, I can't add everyone individually or I'd get nothing else done - just make sure you've posted your dates in the thread and I'll catch it - If you change your avatar picture it will disappear from the list, as a new file will be created and the old one auto deleted. - If you don't have a picture next to your name and would like one please see Adding pictures -If there is a question mark beside your dates, it means I wasn't clear what your exact dates are. Please let me know in the thread and I'll update next time. Updated to post 1055 - to be continued RobandDiana Mar 21 - April 4 ticker79 Mar 25 -april 4 SoCalBeachLovers Mar 28 - may 6 solsticeSassy Mar 26 - April 9 2FromTheZou Mar 27 - April 3 GraigandsusieQ Mar 27 - april 3 Wild Willy Mar 28 - April 3 Vic&Chantelle Mar 28 - April 4 schatc Mar 29 - April 6 Aguy6708 Mar 29 - April 9 Accutemp Mar 29 - April 6 MikeandSherrie Mar 31 - April 10 two4funtime Mar 31 - April 14 RobnSteph april 1 -7 gowick April 1 -8 ron987 April 1-8 TIM&DONNA April 1 - 8 ShirleyAndTodd April 1- 9 Dippin April 2- tflexxin April 2 -9 RayAndKat Vacation4Fun April 3 -11 Twocute April 3-12 eztocme54 April 3-12 southsoundfun April 3 - 13 Grundy April 4 -10 javacouple April 4 - 10 NYFit514 April 4 -10 Shotcouple April 4 -11 MignonA April 4 -11 missnbluebay April 4 -11 Bprb61 April 4-11 Jim & Teresa April 4 -12 marklynn15 April 4-12 GC Couple April 4 - 14 SocalKR April 5 -10 Jdemp April 5- 11 Rene and Paula April 5 - 12 Robbiesgirl April 5 -12 KellyPeter April 5-12 Badwon12 April 5 -12 msmcrae April 5 -12 hoss48 April 5 -12 Ed & Susan April 5 -14 Juice_J April 5 -15 tomandangela April 6 - 10 Karen/Scott April 6 -13 Herabyss April 6 - 16 B&Bfromatl April 6 -18 DerekandKelsey April 6 -19 Kim&Adam April 7 -12 bobby slack April 7 - 16 kimandkorri April 7 - 16 slopoke3 April 7-16 Neil_Jo April 7 - 16 Dalnyfan April 7 -18 Bare April 7 -14 patnmariia April 7 - 21 fishin4fun April 8 -12 travelingd April 8 -15 crn&dln April 8 - 15 pvtnurse4u April 8 -15 carl blank sam April 8 -15 AJL_NC_34 April 8 -15 Moejo April 8-15 travel time April 8 -15 Cbcpl April 8 -15 shawnandlynn April 8 -15 S&S of MD April 8 -17 onebusyman April 8-18 adamnterri April 8 -18 SlyandTease April 8 -13 shawnandlynn April 8 - 15 Brett&Paula April 8 - 15 LorandShan April 8 -22 danarainbow April 9 - 12 Shelby64 April 9 - 6 Fredmgill April 9 -11 capncog April 9-16 DOUBLE G 9 April 9 - 16 JenandTodd April 9 -16 rockies_couple April 9 - 17 christy&brad April 9 - 17 BobnKim-WI April 9 -17 rock and debby April 9 -18 Donald April 9-20 GandM April 9 -20 sunshinegirl11 April 9 -19 glenn/monique April 9 -22 sharonjason April 9 -24 David & Rhonda April 10 -16 GC Couple April 10- 16 anna April 10-17 dande April 10- 17 jillwable April 10 -17 DaveTina April 10 - 17 curtisndawn April 10 -19 deepundercover April 10- 18 bigsexy&misssexy2012 April 10 - 18 acsnoracer April 10 - 18 Tvillcouple April 10 - 18 Jimcyn April 10 - 19 osiferrick April 10 - 19 Jess_2703 April 10 - 20 Danny&Jenny April 10 - 21 missouricouple April 11 -16 Beachlovers01 April 11 - 18 russpeg69 April 11 -18 camps23 April 11-18 kclovers April 11 -18 Mommabear April 11 - 18 meandher April 11 - 18 Sam and Robin April 11 -18 kstew40 April 11 - 18 JnJPartyStyle April 11-18 Tc123123 April 11 - 18 chris-n-Allison April 11 -18 Jfit April 11 -18 Beachgirl3 April 11- 18 FandS April 11 -28 TracyKirk April 11 - 19 SteveandTerri22 April 11 -19 Gaspereau April 11 -21 jjdavies1987 April 11- 21 FLYERFAN44 April 12 - 19 Scott&Jan April 12 -19 Vince & Wendy April 12 -19 MikenCharNJ April 12 - 18 Joel & Paula April 12-18 nikndave April 12-18 gonzo1 April 12 -18 vic&effie April 12 - 18 sly_m&m April 12 - 19 Footlong April 12 -19 mike&susan April 12 - 19 MF1981 April 12 - 19 P&KL April 12 - 22 wings7180 April 12 - 23 midwest-cpl April 13 -20 funPAcouple April 13 -20 MarknDebbie April 13 - 20 Afferok April 13 - 20 md/kj April 13 -20 Hollywo0d4 April 13 -21 KnG-OKC April 14 - 19 shawn&steph April 14 -21 Jay/Deb Nebraska April 14 - 21 cassandmar April 14 -21 tony_val April 14 -21 nookiemonsters April 14 -21 Calgarycowboy&girl April 14 - 21 GARandTAM April 14 -21 Rightstuff15 April 14 - 21 BnK April 14-28 MacAttack April 15 -22 sematt April 15-22 nutz4dabeach April 15 - 22 dzess April 15 - 24 thequins April 15- 24 Slotman April 15 -25 Naughty Newfies April 15 -26 Beth&Dave April 16 -23 Catherine & Mike April 16 -23 kimandann April 16 -23 FLB'S April 16 -24 Ali & Andrew April 16- 26 us2933 April 16 -30 fun4ever April 17 -21 Lyntom April 17 -23 two4funb April 17 -23 Jordan & Tracy April 17 -24 Divepres8 April 17 -21 hcdry April 17-24 AngM April 17 -24 lucky281977 April 17 - 24 Duckman and Kelly April 17 -25 L&E April 17 - 26 Tempted Kitty April 17 -27 Happydays April 17 -27 Trish April 18 -24 ShaneandJenny April 18 - 24 Sully1 April 18 -25 Jersey6 April 18 - 26 NateG April 18 - 26 Dani & Amanda April 18 -26 TDRobb17 April 18 -27 JnE4play April 18 - 24 xoja April 18 -24 JOE&JO April 18 -28 ToddandAmy April 19 -25 wild1s April 19 - 25 4biscuits April 19 - 27 Sam&Brianna April 19 -29 2currys4fun April 20 - 30 669 April 20 -30 si & j April 21 - May 5 YKSP April 21 - 26 waith April 21 - 28 GoGoBlanco April 22-May 6 nathnvince April 22 - 26 HerandI1990 April 22 - 27 B&T April 22 -28 Bryan21178 April 22- 28 R&L-D April 22- 29 Denise B April 22 - May 2 loveshack April 22 - may 4 mykenna01 April 23 -27 MisterMaster April 23 -27 safari6 April 23 - 27 dk&lin April 23-28 PBandJ April 23 - 28 DeidraM April 23 -28 bj7730 April 23 -28 PBandJ April 23 -28 Bob & Ivy-WI. April 23 - 28 carcrz April 23 - May 3 JDandNat April 23 - 30 zahnman April 23 -30 ricwhit April 24 - 29 toutou April 24 - May 1 dave6868 April 24 - May 1 Sal0118 April 24 - May 2 Brendan&Angie April 24 - May 3 Michelle & Jody April 24 - May 2 Garry n Jo April 24 -May 3 Jess N Paul April 24 -may 6 SharonTerry April 24 - May 8 latincanucks April 25 -may 2 RobnBecky April 25 - May 5 doubleDees April 25 - may 9 Bamafans April 26 - May 2 Bart & Ahnji April 26 - May 2 Pat & Michelle April 26 - May 2 vodkatonic April 26 -May 3 kevinp4960 April 27 - may 11 F&E12013 April 27 - may 9 FunArkyCouple April 27 -may 3 Vic&Chantelle April 28 -May 4 S&S Rayment April 28 - May 9 workoutbuds April 28 -May 3 Kingneptune April 28 - May 5 Better late than never April 28 - May 6 Dndez April 28 - May 6 Tom&Lisa April 28 - May 9 budinsissy April 29- May 4 patty032752 April 29 - May 6 ScoobyDan April 29 - May 6 RON AND DEB April 29 - may 6 Canadian Dos Equis fan April 30-