I personnally do Low Carbs High protein Diet right now. ( I've try alot of different diet ). It's the only that actually works out for me. You want to loose weight simple !! Remplace chocolat by veggies and watching TV by exercices. There's no magical miracle to loose weight. You need to be focused, and determinated about this if not well Good luck. =) for me 32.2 pounds off total Since august with 2 months eating what the hell I want.
Yes there is! It's called the HOWBADDOYOUWANTIT pill. Taken daily, it can be effective in achieving ANY goal! :aktion033::aktion033::aktion033::aktion033::aktion033::aktion033:
we use our fit bits, count steps, walk almost daily, take the stairs, dance on the weekends and eat a lot of salads and a lot of protein. Randy has lost a lot of weight. I have lost about 20 lbs but that is more due to the fact I can't eat dairy or gluten... So how do you figure Macro calories or whatever that is you were referring to?
It is hard to exercise after the shift. 12 hours of work + 2 hours of driving only leaves 9 hours to wash, eat and sleep then repeat....lol & days off is good for exercise though. Yes I will have to plan lunches better for sure. Thanks for the advice!!!!
Wife and I have been on the "low carb" diet for about 3 weks. Working well so far. We are staying between 20-50 carbs a day. Lots of fat eaten to supply the energy.
There are lots of online calculators for macros. People tend to eat too many carbs and not enough protein.