Oh my the "Are pictures allowed at Temptation" debate rears its head again. I guess it IS a new year and all. Stacia takes pictures, it's her thing. I take pictures of Stacia, that's my thing. Rather, it's one of my things. Contrary to public thought, there is no global ban to the taking of pictures anywhere at Temptation - they just forbid the taking of pictures during one of the on-stage activities, which is not the same and probably a good marketing move. What's funny & hilarious if you're actually IN the moment probably comes as dumb and sophomoric (because it is) when you watch it stone sober on youtube. That being said, some of our most fun moments at TTR have been captured by us and our friends, of us, while partying it up at Temptation. Recently, I sent a pic I took of my bud from England ogling Stacia's bare ass (well, in a Weasel string, it IS a distracting sight) to him and said, "Missed you the last trip to Mexico!" It got him to call me in less than 5 minutes. Power of pictures. We shared a good, hour-long conversation reminiscing and discussing that day. Just an average day about the Sexy Pool at TTR, but it was Our Day. I sort of resent people trying to dictate to me who what and where I can take pictures. I do understand that some folks want to keep things on the down-low at Temptation, specifically,a nd on vacation, generally, and we don't randomnly snap indiscriminately or try to invade folks' time. And... I also do understand that the general thing that happens is some dumb schmuck or ass, pick your noun, usually ends up ruining it for everyone else, right? Ok, off of soapbox. Sorry for rant. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
They do say ''Avoid'' in the rules ( kinda grey if you ask me) When I was a kid , when Mom said avoid something , that meant , do it , its fun funny thing is the guy that started this thread booted himself off the forum. very suspiciously, probably someone on here pooking sensitve subjects, or a science project
Hell - without pics I would not remember half the trip or who I met but I never post them online since I have a job that might frown on such exposure. FYI look at the facebook post going on about this topic - sorta funny.
Paintings ok? I like to draw and paint. Understand the camera thing. But a few scratches would be ok wouldn't they?