In reality FYI - the most southern spot of Canada(the Niagara peninsula) is on the same latitude as northern California -
Yea, that was just a generalization. In reality, northern Alaska.......... Now don't you bet that those Eskimos would put us ALL to party shame if they went to Cancun for a couple weeks!!!
Yep, us Canadians love to party hard...even better...we love to party hard and play harder on a tropical island with all our American friends!!!
Not too get all geography nerdy but it really is a misconception how cold and how much snow we get north of the border. There are some real cold spots in January and Feburary - Winnipeg is just nasty cold as is Edmonton and Calgary flip flops from Sept to March. Ottawa and Montreal get chilly as well. Toronto and the southern Ontario area has its ups and downs. Vancouver is not unlike Seattle - mild winters. Here in Toronto it has been cold but not a lot of snow this year. And really Toronto is no different than Chicago, NYC etc in the winter. However, in typical Canadian fashion we have embraced the misconception and use it to our advantage which may have something to do with our party hard rep. Frankly I am quite amused by "northern" US residents who really believe it is colder across the border. I once heard an elderly couple with New York plates ask a border guard if it was cold in Canada today - it was July LOL. And while the northeast US braced for snowmageddon or whatever crazy name CNN put to it over the last 24 hours no one suffers more in North America than our dear friends in Buffalo whose weather people often cite winds and snow from Canada as the cause for their misery. A little chilly Nov to March but smokin' hot in the summer! We love our Canada and are happy to spread the love with our great American friends :sunny:
I believe the part that you missed is perspective. The fact that you compared Toronto as "...not much different than Chicago..." says it all. To me, that would be like saying "Miami is not much hotter than hell!" I think northern Florida is cold. If you have to wear a coat, it's cold. I salute you for your tolerance of the frozen tundra (any place north of the Mason Dixon line) but I can't handle it. I would have to escape to Cancun about 40 weeks a year. Love you guys. Invite me up in July please!
you are right on perspective. We Torontonians think people in Winnipeg and the prairies live in igloos lol. I long for the day to live in Cali or FLA wear i never have to wear pants or a long sleeve!