Just throwing this out for random discussion, but are you really a creeper if you are looking with binoculars, but not one if you are standing 5-10' away. If you're outside to put on a show, you might do a better job not actually seeing the crowd staring at you, and may be a little more apprehensive if they are right there? I thought creeper was more of a title for someone with a camera.
It's all relative, if they like it your not creepy. If they don't like it your a creeper! If someone put on a show than they can't be to upset if someone watches. If you have to sneak up to their window or use binoculars to see what they don't intend people to see than your a creeper for sure.
I'm sure hubby wouldn't care but as for me, I wouldn't care if someone saw just don't want to know they are there. Out of sight, out of mind. But if we are out in the open obviously know the chance of being seen