So first full day here - this place is fantastic and people are awesome. The only thing - and this is my own fault - is the VIP sales pitch. I thought, gee, a bottle of tequila and a massage for $45 - how bad can this be?? It is terrible - it was a grueling half hour of me saying no, and the poor woman pretending I was speaking another language where that word meant "please, go on, keep talking about it". The funny thing is, I don't even know what she was trying to sell me. I asked her that point blank! "What are you trying to sell me"... "Well it is a great opportunity".... Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh..... So, that was a newbie mistake on my part - I'm sharing just so other newbies out there can know to avoid it when they visit. If anyone is a South Park fan - it will remind you of the episode for time-shares.
I totally agree with you. It's very annoying to sit through that when you have zero interest in purchasing. I try to be nice, but sometimes you can't be. It's one thing that annoys me about almost all touristy places now. I'd rather just be nice to people on vacation, but you sometimes have to be a jerk to get people to leave you alone. I've had to do it more in Mexico than anywhere else. Vegas has gotten awful with it as well. It was much easier to get out of there the last time we went. The first time took far too long. If it was just me and not the gf and I, I'd get up and leave. I have to deal with salespeople all the time, and I'm great at getting rid of them when they're wasting my time.
The probably have to go through a set sales pitch, and if you interrupt them they get derailed and confused, but its a ''great opportunity '' lol
The easiest way is to never accept the invitation in the first place . They tried it with us on our first visit in 2014 . I told the girl up front politely no thank you she ignored me and kept talking so I raised my voice and said listen to me I said no , now let me get on with my vacation now and walked away .
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. If you agree let them go through their spiel. When they start to talk about a price make a bogus claim like you are just getting out a bankruptcy or something and that you simply cannot get into something like that right now. They don't want to be combative but it is a high pressure sales pitch. Let them say what they want and just say thanks but I can't (for whatever reason)
My favorite line , '' I,m here with my girlfriend,,, I can't buy a membership , my wife will find out I,m not at my business convention".
I always laugh when someone calls it 'high pressure sales pitch'. Try being interrogated for a crime you didn't commit. Now that is high pressure!! OR's sales team are just doin their job, and trying to feed their family, just like the rest of us. No reason to be rude or dishonest
Maybe high pressure wasn't the best term. But they are quite insistent lol! It worked on me at any rate!