Sprite is the best hangover cure...according to Chinese scientists... Is Sprite the cure for your hangover woes? - CBS News
When I drink, I drink too much. It's fun. (I've never understood the point of drinking too little.) I pay for this fun, however, with severe hangovers - many hours of pain and loathing. When we're on vacation, I can avoid hangovers by continuing to drink. That's a solution that's a no-brainer (literally). Since we don't live at Temptation, however, I eventually have to sober up and pay for my sins. I just want to pay LESS for my sins! I therefore appreciate all of your suggestions. I see that a recurring theme on this thread is using supplements that (having now looked into them a bit) are all designed to rehydrate and replace electrolytes. Several have been named here. I've never tried any of these, but I'm definitely going to. My question is for those of you who have tried more than one of these supplements: Which one(s) worked best for you? Or all they all essentially the same? Gastrolyte Pedialyte RecoverORS EmergenC LyteShow Thank you! Now let's party!
For anyone who has partied with me at TTR knows I have a steady supply of Zofran. I think the equivalant for Canada is ?gravol? ... I have cured many of our new friends hangovers with it! Ask your doctor for a prescription! I promise it works!
For me prevention is the best cure. I drink water every 3rd drink and have a bottle of water before bed, vitamin, and 2 Advil. If that doesn't work I choke down a BC powder in the morning
3 weekends left till you head to Temptation......Seems like a good opportunity for a trial & error experiment....lol. Stock up on each and have a drinking party every Friday and Saturday night (If you aren't already), and give each one a try.....Then, stock up on the best before your trip........Let us know how it goes too. We're on team Gastrolyte right now but have no real commitment, lol
Drinking in the name of science? Always a good plan! Gastrolyte, apparently, is just a Canadian and Aussie brand. RecoverORS and LyteShow have to be ordered online. Pedialyte is made for children, and starts with "Ped," and that makes me uncomfortable. So this weekend I'm starting with Emergen-C. Wish me luck!
Looked up Emergen-C and see a couple options. Is it the vitamin C packs or the Electro-mix? I see potassium mentioned a couple times and realized why I get hangovers and Tam does not... she drinks a steady flow of fresh banana daiquiries all day. May have to do some scientific drinking to prove or disprove this theory.
I spent entirely too much time today reading supplement labels. Emergen-C doesn't offer much that I'm not already getting in the vitamin/mineral supplements I take. Emergen-C Electromix has roughly twice the electrolytes as regular Emergen-C (minus all the other vitamins and minerals) but still not a ton of them. I figured if I was going to test the electrolytes theory, then I should go balls to the wall. So I went to a supplement store and found one that is all about the electrolytes, including lots of potassium. Tonight we're partying with friends and I'm going to drink too much. Before going to bed, I'm going to force down a quart of water with this electrolytes supplement. (Plus the vitamin/mineral supplements I usually take.) If this is the last post you ever see from me, you'll know that my experiment went horribly awry.