The weightloss continued through the weekend down 6.2 lbs this week. Tomorrow is the week 's end weigh in. I am so happy. I am being so super strict on this diet. Only one piece of bread a day. Work outs everyday. I want 30 lbs off for April.
As an added benefit to my weight-loss, since I do all of the cooking, the rest of the family is eating better too. Katherine is down 3lbs to 122 without even trying and wants to get to 117 (her weight when we met 15 years ago) before our next trip Feb 21. John
Ok so my scale was more nice with me .. Today I'm doing 20 gr of carbs.. to see if I can be down a little bit for my weight in. 173. so -1.7 pounds since last weeks. Not enought as I expeted.
Too late. BUT I cut on carbs today I ate about 20 gr instead of 40 so I eat about 8 grams of carbs. I LOVE PISTACHIOS. And tomorrow it's my weight day but I know i ate alot of salt so I'll habe this as an excuse. I will be 170 under by the end of the months I was 173 this morning
Held steady with -6.2 lbs today. I have tried to eat really good today so bring on more. This girl wants way more.
I'm out of town for work for the week and in a hotel so no scale, limited workout facilities and eating out for every meal... Not looking forward to my next weigh-in!
Had to get my P.T back I've just not got my head on it don't know y you think I would 14 weeks till I go away. Paid a lot of money out so need to do it get weighed evey week and he will be measuring me . I keep having just 1 last day of eating everything and its lasting a week ! Prob but what I lost the other week back on
Not A GREAt week .. alot of salt.. so I lost .5 pounds So I keep back up next week. Nothing to distract me. Even at the event we have this weekend No beer, no alcohol!! Need to stay focus on it. =)