agreed it is gross but it helps. the other thing is first thing in the morning baileys with our coffee.
The only hangover I get is a headache. Two advil migrane and a big glass of water before bed and I'm all good.
As others have said, drink water during the day. I do 2 vodka/Fresca and then 1 Vodka/water ratio all during day. Water at lunch. Also take milk thistle supplement each day, it assists the liver in removing toxins. When we arrive in Cancun, we stop at Wal Mart and buy Pedialyte for each night. Every night before bed, chug a bottle of Pedialyte and take 3 aspirin. In morning, aspirin (if headache), bottle of water and then coffee with Baileys.
That green juice at the buffet is said to help hangovers ! I drank 2-3 glasses every morning and I was not hung over once. Whether it worked I don't know, but it tasted great and I had a blast !
Outside of staying hydrated with a 2-1 drink/water to 1-2 drink/water at end of night, I find the EmergenC packs are lifesavers, they have the vitamins B/C Potassium, electrolytes, and minerals needed for the body to recover from the drinking. Donald, that is a go to for me as well "Gatortinis" Gatorade & Vodka, the purple flavor works well if you can find it.
I never get hangovers. I followed the same thing since my time in the army when a Sergeant Major was chewing my butt in Germany for puking in formation. Drink 2 tall glasses of water with 2 Tylenol not Advil, Tylenol before going to bed. It was 1 liter bottles there I used or 2 smaller ones. Since I started following his advice no hangovers to need to cure.
Recovery ORS is awesome, we kept a packet in our pocket and every night at paty o's around 1030-11 when we went up to get another drink we'd ask for a small water along with our drink, mix it up and drink it down, then bring some bc powder headache medicine and we could not believe, how were were able to not only keep up but stay up till 3-4 every night and wake up the next day ready to do it again. good stuff!!!:ernaehrung005: