1. Prance around topless with confidence noing 'Nobody knows me and nobody gives a sh!t' 2. Be serenaded by not only my Wife but other beautiful woman at Paty O's and in the Sexy Pool! 3. Do body shots off others and have others do them off me! 1. Have a nekkid dip in the Sports Pool at 3am 2. Get involved with all this AIWC stuff i keep reading about! 3. Balcany Show! :huepfen021:
This is so funny just think about it. First time we went to TTR we have a few things on our list that we crossed off but after one trip the list grew due to the eye opening experiences and fun. Now our list always has cross offs but always something new added! Guess that's why we keep coming back after 17 trips! Only your imagination is the limiting factor!
TTR is so much fun, we are a little crazy at home but we is our list. 1. Walk around topless all day long. 2. Mrs. making out with other girls and guys. 3. Trying our best to improve international relationships. 1. Room full of naked people. 2. Wake up in another room. ( we seem to make it back before sunrise ) 3. ??????? Will be trying to cross off some things during our next trip Aug.1-6, 2015
Going topless Going panties not my usual but hey neither are the dresses. Going naked on the Boobs Cruise.
Going topless Body shots on sexy pool bar Naked jello wrestling. Not too many to do's left...done pretty much the bucket list and now just repeating the fun things
What we love and don't get any where else..... Steve's Boobs Cruise, Boobs Cruise, Boobs Cruise..... ok,plus.. lingerie Night (wow !!) Foam Party Chatting all day with some fabulous people in the pool (and the body shots !!). Naked pool Volley ball......ok I know that's 5... Still hoping Getting other half in the jelly wrestling competition Watching a Balcony show Cigar Lounge Party (anyone seen one ??)
I don't know we have much left on our "to do list" but I will certainly be topless all day, wear things I simply can't wear at home and party like its 1999!! Best thing about TTR and other places that embrace what the LS is about (if you're in it or not) is the acceptance, openness and support to truly be who and what you are 100% of the time!! It's freeing and beautiful to see everyone embrace themselves and their bodies.
1) Go topless with a sheer micro bottom 2) Unforgettable experiences in our jacuzzi rooms 3) Skinny dipping in the sports pool after midnight Three things yet to do..... 1) The Boobs Cruise 2) Naked Tequila Volleyball 3) Dress up in my Naughty Nurse outfit