:bandit:We can never remember either....Do remember the wet pussies however......Usually start at the top of those menus and work our way down......all the acid from the sugary stuff calls for a good stock of Ranitidine and Tums....going to remember the Mio this year....great idea.....
I seem to recall an OXO across the street which sold a variety of canned beer and Corona.....Rob gets tired of one kind of beer and likes to switch it up, day to day...
That is the most fun. I do bahama mama at the pool all day. I like to think the banana helps me survive. Isn't there a scooby snack or something like that? It looks like it's glowing?
Frozen Mojitos at the Sexy Pool... they usually make them a little too sweet but tell them to back down a bit on the sweetener. Delicious!