I totally understand.. It gets to be a cluster of "Mel can you change this to that?" and "Make this something else." Literally up to the last month, if not week. I change and add what I can. I try to have themes that can be widely interpreted so people don't all show up in the same costume. I love seeing everyone dressing up so sexy and how imaginative people can get. Its seriously my favorite.
Hey BostonMel, Great list of theme nights for May!!! YOU ROCK Would you consider adding a Kentucky Derby theme for May 2nd? Big Fancy hats, thongs, fishnets, and heels for the ladies?
You should do a derby day at the pool. I'll put it on there but hats at night are hot. And not the good hot. The sweaty head hot. It's already ABC night so I'll add it. But Def do it during the day. Durby hats during the day are perfect
My husband wants to have a superhero night, will that ever happened or has it ever happened? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
He could do that on uniform night. Most theme nights are fairly flexible so he would fit right in (and a super hero wears a uniform of sorts doesn't he?). The more creative the better!
SuperHero did not make the cut. Sorry! But like Lee and Gail said. Do it during Uniform night because it's uniform!! He'll fit right in!! :headbanger::headbanger::headbanger:
Ya the vote was surprisingly low for that. Which was crazy. I would have loved that or monster night. But yes the themes are multi faceted so people will have different costumes. And I love seeing people's creativity.