Curious if anyone that has recently gone to Temptation noticed if lingerie night has changed a bit? I was just looking at their site and it seems like they are now encouraging only women to dress "up" for that night. Cancun All Inclusive Adults, Adult Only Cancun - Temptation Thursday Nights Site states: Dress Code: Ladies, Sexy lingerie. Gentlemen in a trendy outfit
When we where there in July there was alot people dressed up lingerie men and women. We will be there Feb 15th to the 22nd and we will definitely be participating.
I don't think anything will be stopping us all in February no matter what the new changes are.......We will be right there participating with you
We cant wait. Our plane touches down 1135am and we will be heading straight to the sexy pool. We also have another couple that was there with us last time that will be there same dates that will be participating. So pump and ready
We were at TTR in November and did not find a significant difference from the past. CCC people held together the night with most of the ladies wearing sexy lingerie and the men wearing boxers. The resort had their fashion show but it was cut short due to light rain. On a few nights the weather became an issue at Patty O's. Some of the evenings were quite cool and windy in late November and early December causing people to cover up more than normal. A couple of days people wrapped in towels at the sexy pool to say warm. Fortunately, the sexy pool was warm...yes, they actually heated the pool. You never know about the weather but TTR is always fun.
Some guys participated and some didn't really. Some girls went all out with lingerie and some only a little. It depends on the weather and just the crowd that day - I think. Most guys wore just boxers and a few more revealing outfits but in general the ladies were the ones showing off their beauty on that theme night! I don't think there was any rule discouraging guys not to dress in their underwear. Really ladies have much sexier underwear and more variety anyway!
It's a creeper move to show up fully dressed and gawk at everybody's wives in their lingerie. Participate or else just stay in Paty'Os and wait for everybody to come after the show is over. Minimum effort level would be a set of boxers. If you want to actually try and have a little fun you can go anywhere at all from there. There is all sort of male lingerie available on the internet. There has been cases of a guy wearing a single sock or a crown royal bag. You could go with a banana hammock thong. There's lots of options. It's more important that you just try and participate.
Over nye week there seemed to be guys participating and the staff was enforcing it at the door of nice shoes. Which basically turned into the sports bar filling with creepers. Wait, I thought ever night was lingerie night! Shitshow!!