I guess I missed the inappropriate pics. All the bum shots submitted had thongs I thought (except Mr. Skibum). Get away from your computer for an hour or two and look what happens!
I know the rules as well as anyone, but my problem, Steve, is that sometimes I jump on my PC after there has been mucho cerveza intake... I apologize if I put too much Pow-Booty! out there. Got carried away, but it was fun while it lasted! Again, apologies... Damn drunk posting, anyway...
Steve. You should consider a "private" forum where members request access. Under vbulletin you can create this section. It will not show up on search engines and will not get flagged for an adult forum therefore you do not risk it being block. I think you do a great job with the site and this is merely a suggestion. I also own a very large we bulletin site and would be willing if you need help Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
See above post. If you do private forum it will not even show up unless your a member of it. So when people come to the site it is invisible unless you set the permissions to view it Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
And just to add to that I'm not asking for an X rated section. But maybe nc-17 would be ok laugh out loud Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Steve, Can the fun and games continue if the pics are moved to an avatar? Maybe the theme could change each month for some variety. Just a thought
Hola, dynamite... Thing I've noticed and noted no one seems to take advantage of is that Steve's CCS board pages are wide open, pun intended, to allow the posting of the adult stuff from anything over an "R-rating" all the way to .... well you get the drift. Just sayin'... "someone" could start a Nice TTR Bums thread, for example over at CCS, and then give people a heads-up that it exists over at CCS, and link to it here. Don't link the pics, just give the pointer, and away people (who are interested in such, ah, things) could go. That's my $0.02. (... and if no one else jumps on this, I'll do it me very own self, but I don't have a lot of time today sso someone else needs to set it up...)
I agree and understand. However people who are not swingers may not want to be signed up on a site like that. That is the reason I posted the other option