I've been forbidden...mostly because someone has to be the Professor to wifey's schoolgirl. I was very quickly okay with this plan.
I have worn mine the last to years traditionaly and get alot of attention when wearing it as well im with the january polar bares and we had a cowboys and indians night i made a deerskin loin cloth that got a lot of attention so guys it is worth wearing this stuff
I have mine ! This is going to be great if we get all these overlappers wearing them on Jan 27 or even Feb 2 .... we get 2 naughty school girl nights ! woo hoo
...and this was MY night LOL, this has been a really rough week. I finally had an opportunity to start and finish packing at 2AM before leaving at 3AM and just now sitting in the Houston airport waiting for our flight to Cancun I realized I never packed my kilt :blueshock:. Please help me with my severe depression as soon as you see me as I may never be the same again. I may have to improvise a less than worthy kilt out of a towel or a napkin just to survive.