We were there in June and it was extremely hot, as expected. But the lack of working A/C rooms were unacceptable. We had to change our room twice and finally just settled for "this is the best we are going to get." Very frustrating!
Hubby is still waiting for the call from TTR to go fix it ....... I bet hes going to wait forever just like the return confirmation e-mail about our reservation . THAT HES STILL WAITING FOR !!!!!!!!!:sauer024::aktion060::angrymad::aktion047:
Well I can live without A/C just because here it's minus hell !! We usually need it to remove the humidity as Ben have asthma. But we always turn it off. Now people stop complainning about freakin A/C.. Not the end of the world, no one will die. There's much more stuff worst than an A/C that don't want to works . Seriously !!..
I do have asthma and for me it is the end of the world , part of the reason of us booking was because there was supposed to be A/C
IMHO, the main thing here is people pay big money to go to this and any resort in Mexico. If the resort advertises A/C then the A/C sure in the hell better work or get fix quickly. Now those on here that state they don't need it or state "get over it" that is their choice whether they pay for something and not use it. Others like myself wants to have A/C. We will be going first part of May. I know based on 25 years of going to Cancun this time of year, its going to be FUCKING HOT AND HUMID. So yes I will be one that will be bitching about lack of A/C, simply because I'm paying to have something that is advertise as having. Now if a resort does not have A/C then I simply would not go to that resort because, it is my choice.
Have been on CCC for only 3 years and this has always been talked about. We generally only turn the AC on briefly while showering to remove the moisture from the room which is our choice. I understand that some need the AC for health reasons and that should be indicated when making reservations and checking in. Even doing that it's still luck on whether the AC will work and will work during your whole trip as no one knows when this likely older equipment will fail. Older equipment is also harder to maintain which can also extend repair time. Building design also comes into play with this. All these leads to the future planned demo and rebuilding of the resort. Again if this is a major issue for someone it may best to book elsewhere until after the new TTR is built.
Ok so heres the A/C repair guys take on this . In Ottawa today its freakin cold ...wind chills of 40 below and BTW -40C and -40F it don't matter they are the same check a thermometer . If I was to tell a customer today that the heat was broke and there will be no heat for a day or so the answer would be ho hum no worries we can put a sweater on no biggie . Now if its +30C (86f) and humid and I tell a customer the A/C is off for a day or two then its like world war three just broke out . OMG we going to be overwhelmed , maybe we will sweat , there could be a major outbreak of body odour and shortages of deodorant in every corner store , we will have send people home they cant possibly work in such dreadful conditions ......etc etc etc . Lets get real people you will die a whole lot faster from Hypothermia then you will from lack of A/C . Heres a novel concept ....take a cool shower , jump in the pool , or the ocean . Open a FREAKIN WINDOW !!!! Refrain from sex .... sorry that's not an option lol !!!!!!What was I thinking ???. Refrain from strenuous activity .... DUUHHH your on vacation Drink more .... DUUUUUHHHHH..Your all inclusive at TTR . And still no call for my services to fix the chiller at TTR . And FWIW I have A/C at home and hardly ever use it ....we have a pool if your hot .
Jamie's mom has Asthma...their A/C is on 24/7 from April through October. I understand why the lack of A/C in the humidity down there is really important to some. We've been going to Mexico and other parts of the Caribbean for a long time, as have most of us on here. What I've learned is that when we're in one of these countries or islands on vacation, we're surrounded by their culture, traditions and in some cases, their peculiarities as compared to what we're used to back home. If you're staying in the Hilton in Chicago in July and the A/C isn't working, they'll address it pronto - in fact, it probably wouldn't malfunction in the first place because it's state-of-the-art equipment. In Mexico, from our experience, there's just not the sense of urgency...they don't have the same types of consumer protection regulations that the Hilton would in Chicago. I doubt the Hilton would hire time share people to harass you nonstop in Chicago either. Part of traveling to another country is being aware that you're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. We're on vacation...I'm relaxed...it would take quite a bit to make me not relaxed. We have great vacations because cameras, chair saving, not enough bacon, or whatever happens won't get us too riled up. If there's an issue with something, just be polite....the employee at the desk didn't sabotage the A/C. Be assertive without being rude. If it takes too long to address the problem...that's the way it is. I just wouldn't let it wreck my vacation. Going to Mexico means that you may not always have the same level of urgency you'd get in downtown Chicago...that's the way it is. Cancun is really humid all the time with a big salty body of water right next to the place...sometimes you'll be uncomfortable because of that and the effect it has on A/C that never shuts off. TTR isn't a 5 star...it's one of the cheapest AI resorts in Cancun. Spend 5 times more money somewhere and maybe the A/C would be repaired 5 times quicker. TTR is a little like camping...sometimes you'll just have to deal with some shit. Have another drink and have fun.