Does it bother anyone else that TTR seems to be relaxed on the photography/videos at the resort? I have noticed photos and videos on Facebook that are of the sexy games and sexy pool. The "No one knows you, No one gives a shit" kinda goes out the window when you end up plastered on social media, doesn't it? Sorry this really bugs me.
In all seriousness I know it is a pertinent issue for some people. However, you should keep in context that even if something is on the net, no one can use it against you if they can't find it. They'd have to search for specific things (ie Temptation, a certain date, videos/pictures, and if you were tagged, your name etc etc.) I know if my boss asked me about some of the pictures of me I'd ask if he thought they were funny. After all if you aren't 'on the clock' whose business is it? But I do know that teachers get hosed. I really don't know why no teacher fired for bad pictures hasn't been able to sue a school board into oblivion. Don't mind me just rambling lol
Exactly. . The odds of a pic of me showing up on some random person's Facebook and someone I know seeing it and recognizing me are slum to none
If you check back on the threads this has been discussed extensively. Personally if I see someone taking pics or video they shouldn't I report it to security or entertainment team. It has always taken care of. We all have to do our part
Point is no one should be recording or taking pictures of someone half naked. Just out of simple respect.
Seems like a very simple equation. More Cameras = More Clothes on the Ladies. Less Cameras = Less Clothes on the Ladies. So those who like less clothes should be encouraging less cameras.