I wish you all a happy new year Health and happyness for 2015 What's are your resolution for the new year ? Here's mine : - Lost some weight about 30-40 pounds. - Stop buying useless stuff ( I buy alot of stuff that I don't really need ) - And throw out or give away half of my stuff as I don't used it. ( And I don't like throwing stuff out, so I keep everything. )
Jess: Wishing a Happy New Year to you and Ben! Sorry to miss you in April, but I am sure our paths will cross again! Good luck with your goals, you got this! L
My resolution is to realize that I have great friends and family , and have been blessed with a happy life, and to share that with less fortunate people and put a smile on their face especially sick kids .
Resolutions yep Lose weight Work more on my retirement, freedom 55 I want it. Listen and appreciate people more.
1) Make it at least twice to TTR 2) Post more pics 3) Buy more useless stuff. (Gotta make the economy turn)