It was historically two separate..... however whatever everyone else wants is fine by me.... I think the idea was a few more wonder women, storm, etc the movie characters I.e. wolverine, superman (Clark Kent, mine from last year, lol). While I was not the prime physical specimen some others are, it was a fun theme all the same.... Cosplay covers a wider spectrum, such as anime, animals, etc. Not a specific genre....
I'm glad Donald did the themes too. I refused to do it again this year. It's a lot of work figuring out what people want. Jess was busy and well seen others try before , start it and then disappear for weeks and they don't put any effort into it. Donald is getting married next week. He'll be gone for for a week or so but hey this theme bitch will get it done. Throwing my weight behind Donald. If you don't like the themes, then don't do them. If you want something different make an suggestion. Bottom line is most people don't care what the themes are as long as there are some. I don't plan to do all but I will do some. Let's make April great again cause it's all about making and reuniting with the most awesome friends ever.
Nope lasagna will screw up your diet even though the Italians is to die for, he will however feed you shots Jess.
So far this theme thread had been 95% Donald & Glenn/Monique, with 20 other people making up the other 5% of comments. I think the question was who will participate, not who spends every waking moment posting and attempting to overwrite threads, lol. Personally I go on vacation to avoid drama, and graduated high school a long time ago, therefore i will participate in what I like to, I assume most others will do the same, without snippy commentary from attention queens, whomever they may be... I believe Jess asked for the lasagna, right? Lol....