Basically it's the same music as your local top 40 radio station. It's the same set every night but maybe in a different order.
Yep basically top 40 dance music. You will hear the really "in" songs of the time no less then 6 times a day. My least favorite part of Temptation is the music at the bar and at the pool, but it gets/keeps people moving and girls dancing, so it serves its purpose.
Pitbull, LFMAO, Pitbull, Wobble, Pitbull, LFMAO, Cha Cha Slide, Bruno Mars, Pitbull, Turn Down for What.... You get the picture lol
You forgot [ame=""]Carnaval - Celia Cruz. I think there is a law the actual song or a remix has to be played 2 times an hour on every sound system in Mexico. Otherwise a very accurate playlist above. The thing is, whatever the ladies want to shake the booty to is good enough for me. If it is Pitbull all night long, well call me a [ame=""]FireBall!
I can literally hear the songs in my head changing to the next one in the exact order you listed. LOL
You know, in 13 TTR trips, I've never thought that they played our local (Houston, which would be FM 104.1 KRBE) station stuff. By contrast, I'd say that they were playing either: A) Older dance stuff; and then later on some nights switch into straight up house/rave stuff. That never gets played on our local Top 40 station, as it's not listenable unless one's in the club. And, sometimes they have a band out there doing covers of rock tunes, which can be cool when the band's good. It's been good about 3 out of 4 times when that's happened.
Dance music is for dancing but's not really meant for anything else. Very repetitive! Extremely loud! Good and easy to dance too. Strong bass rythm! Songs blurred together because they are so simular (kinda like Disco music does). Not any slow dancing music while we were there. If your looking to relax and enjoy good music I would suggest bringing an ipod and sitting at the quiet pool. I didn't go to Temptations for the music that's for sure!