Thanks for posting the pics!! and thanks all for responding - to those there Jan 3-10th I guess we will have to make our own entertainment! Body shots anyone??
Yep Steve they are not allowed to show nudity during shows. It was Miss Temptations and she had great tits lol. The owner was there for a few days so not sure if that had anything to do with it. We were told that they are stopping all of it. Trivia for 6 days sucked.
What the heck is going on ?!? Reading this thread is making me very sad... and us very wary :/ How can you be topless around the pool, but not during the show??
Seems very strange that they cannot get girls with a personality as well as looks. Multi lingual would certainly be a bonus but maybe not essential I hope thing improve come Jan 21st
Have to organise our own games if they not doing decent ones in May. Anyone got any good ideas for them?