Thanks folks. It looks like we'll likely be going ahead and booking our mid-30's spring break as soon as tonight. I'm certain we'll have more questions, as we start to count down. This makes two countdowns for the next year (NYC marathon is the other one).
We made our first trip last June (for our Honeymoon) and it was the best holiday either of us had ever had. It's like Party Central based in Paradise with the most amazing people! TTR offeres 'something for everyone'. You can go and totally loose all inhibitions and be who ever you want to be there as nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit! That's the motto. We returned this year with 3 friends and once again had the holiday of a lifetime, plus we're now booked for next year too. As alot of people have said above, once you go you won't look back and you'll want to be a 'repeat offender!'...We are and wouldnt change a thing. We've made some real life long friends and hope to make more in the future. With regards to places to hang out at night, Paty'Os in the place to be however you can chill on the hammocks on the beach, by the sports pool, the alternative bar or on the balcony of your room! Really depends what your into! Enjoy!