:aetsch011:Looks like it is turning into a Shitshow takeover! What a great Feb. crowd so far! Ken & Audi (Audra) Live....Love....Laugh. Always! 02/04 - 02/11 Ocean Maya Royale 02/11 - 02/18 Temptations
Officially booked from feb 15-22. Awesomeness can't wait! Anybody know the cruise dates yet? I know it's early and they won't book until January but just curious
Think I've seriously offended Trina 3rd roll call and still not on it FEB 4th - 18th we will be there if people didn't get it Xx
we use a travel agent every year but the price we pay is basically the price u get on nolitours.com . We pay more than most but we like air transat and its one of 2 trips we take a year so we want as little stress as possible.