It's over 332 days away but i think Trip 3 for us will go down in History! I can't wait, this is gonna be off the hook!
I was just thinkin, we are looking at Friday Oct 30 for a possible Zombie Pub crawl/cruise.....but historically that date is usually a Halloween Boobs Cruise day. And I know it Rules everything else. So, will ppl be too burnt out for a pub crawl later that night?
That's a good question, Thrusday is lingerie night, it will probably have 2 b Wed or post Halloween, people might just b 2 burnt out from the Boobs Cruise. I'm also having a post wedding yacht cruise. I'll have it opposite the date the pup crawl is on & or a Boobs Cruise. Lets start a count to c how many people r probably interested in doing a crawl.
We are definitely in for the crawl, but we usually leave on Oct 30 to get home for our own Halloween celebration with the kiddies.
Unfortunately there are a lot of factors involved in making this work. We will do our best to make this happen and to make this convenient for everyone.
For sure, logistics are tough! 2015 will be our last Halloween before our last chick leaves the nest for college, so we have to make it home .... after that all bets are off! I already told my kids we're moving to Mexico!
I have a feeling if we get it figured out right, it will be an annual HnH event we can do over and over. Same pub stops, same drill easy peasy