I need at least the bag. I don't care if you eat them or dump them out to save room for shoes. Thank you! See yous soon.
Ha, found chinos gift from last years cruise. Guess it would be impote not to take it. Really wanted to do the cruise on the fourth as well but the responsible part of me knows that and lingerie night would equal a missed flight the next day. Maturity sucks.
Jesse, You just need to finish packing before the cruise on the 4th so you can wake up and check out on the fifth. Or more like go back to your room after Patty O's and check out. It will continue your epic trip streak. And I'm not sure what I mean by streak. And who am I kidding, you only will have a carry on so you don't have much to pack home since most of your costumes are disposable or dissolve in water.
I liked the red dress you wore last year for your birthday. Red is your colour and you looked beautiful......
True. Since I'm taking a suitcase full of toys and most my costumes usual get loaned out I can probably go back in one suitcase. I'm finally starting to get this down!
I'd throw two sheets to the wind for sensible. Since my trip is short this year I want to enjoy one last day with beer pong and pizzas while I get snookered to get putting on that damned sock.
It will be a pizza lunch day with me....unless I go on the cruise that is. But thinking no cruises this year as I'm not supposed to be drinking in excess and I have a hard time NOT doing so on the cruise. It won't be the same but I'd rather not die on vacation. 3 more sleeps!!!