Journey from hell this evening! Thankfully only 3 work days left. 310-mile round trip for a 5-hour meeting. On my way back, raining so bad it was like driving through a lake! My wrists hurt from the terror grip had on the wheel the whole way home. If I zone out for a while the first few days it's because I'm enjoying the pure fucking pleasure of doing absolutely nothing. Russ cooked me steak and bought me beer though so all is good for now
Final count down... Getting my pedi as I type... 2 days off, 2 days work & I'll be on my way!!! Can't wait to finally meet all you awesome people!!!:liebe011:
I'm sure it will all look great! After seeing the pictures from last year I realised that I hated the red dress I had on for my birthday, it was way too big and boxy! I need clothes that accentuate the good stuff and hide the bad. I've gone back to my old favourites this year but couldn't decide between the cleavage dress or the legs dress so I've packed both.
I have no idea how I am going to fit real clothes in my suitcase. I'm not sure what the restaurants would think if I walked in in my theme wear every night.