shoes Think about giving it up and go with a variety of flip flops! They are light and easy to pack. Often, boots and shoes end up being kicked off as the night proceeds at Patty O's. After a few drinks and turns on the dance floor you are ready to get comfortable. If you love shoes and boots, pack them, but your feet will celebrate the freedom. :clappyinghappy:
Our cases came out tonight too, some items going in slowly, we have 60kg between us for luggage, hope we have enough space.
Here´s my do-do list, hoping I don´t forget anything: - Sexy lingerie for the misses - √ - Sexy Dresses for theme nights - √ - Bottle of Tequila Alacran - √ - Pack of 100 Ultra Ribbed Trojan Condoms - √ - Drop 30 lbs. - Damn! I knew I had forgotten something! Well, there´s always 2015
Single digits for us! Only 9 more days till we arrive. I'm pretty much all packed, but may have to pare it down a little. One suitcase with just shoes could be a problem.
Already can't sleep but got to try. Night y'all. Tonight ...tomorrow night...Wednesday night-maybe....forget sleeping Thursday. LOL
Brought the suitcase out of the basement... the packing begins for Nov 27-Dec 4! We got a sprinkling of snow yesterday so getting excited as will be in the fun and sun in just over 2 weeks.