Last year somebody in our group left their camera on the table... and went in for the night. The pictures we took with that camera were priceless! This year we are going to bring a rugged Panasonic TS5 camera for the group to pass around and take those pictures on purpose... I can post them or if somebody gives me a flash drive in our group they can have copies.
Can't get here soon enough! As I'm stuck here in China for 2 weeks working in shitty Chinese factories, I can't help but think of The ShitShow and wish it would be here much sooner!!
I've been on both ends of this so I can't remember if this was my camera you're talking about or if I was in on the crazy pic shenanigans!
Maybe write notes saying some "Help, I'm a 16y/o American tourist who has been kidnapped and forced to work a chinese prison camp. Conditions are brutal. Help me!" And then stick them in the products and wait. Should be fun in a few months from now. It's like seeding a garden. Just have to wait for it to grow.
Finally got the trip locked in 100%. Tickets are bought and we're 14th to 21st. Right now you can buy a trip to TTR for $2500pp from the packaged tour providers with overnight layover flights and shitty arrival departure times. We manufactured our own for $1400pp and we arrive around noon on the 14th and leave around noon on the 21st. I am quite proud of myself on that one!