Thought I'd break a response outta K-Tube's playbook..... [ame=""]Family Guy Stewie Mardi gras - Show Us Your Boobs - YouTube
Just a thought here... Looks like the week of Mardi Gras... because we are doing Fat Tues, we do not have a white dress shirt and heels night during that week, and there are a couple nights that are up in the Sunday. What are your thoughts on throwing in a dress shirt night during this week?
I would maybe suggest, or see if there is any interest for the women to do this on white night.......I know that last year I (Brent) did white dress shirt and high tops on white night, lol........I was the only one, but it was a fun way to kick of the trip.......So, we could turn white night into our own, No pants dance where both the men and women where white dress shirts with either heels or shoes. The other night that I'm curious about is Red Dress Night......Does everyone wanna leave this the way it is, or would people like our own theme on this night too.......As I recall, lotsa women wear a red dress this night so I'm not sure if it's something would even wanna tweak......maybe a theme for the guys???
I thought that would have been a hilarious night. It was part of the poll i did a while ago and there was very little interest in it unfortunately......kudos on the awesome outfit though, lol
My bad......i thought i wrote it as redneck/white trash bash on the pretty sure there is a sense of pride in being a redneck while nobody wants to consider themselves white trash,, i would say there are differences......Although i considered them on the same lines for outfits when it came to themes.
Brent, I think we need some theme songs to go with the theme schedule for week 8... This one is for Kells.... When Diplo dropped this track in Vegas all the ladies lost their minds and panties dropped to the floor, not a lie.