For Octoberbreast, when it was white night (the resort theme night) we did White Night + Mardi Gras. Beads of all types, you can go read my ATM Trip Report thread for some pics of how it ended up. We won't be there Friday for Week 8, but I can say that was a lot of fun. Not to mention all the hooter-showing opportunities. For us (and we are only two repeaters) we hate schoolgirl night. Sure, we'll do it, but we feel like it's been way overplayed. I'd much rather see a sheer night or something else creative but we will go with whatever the group likes. Just don't be surprised to see Mrs. Morgan in something decidedly non-schoolgirl, but very sexy/revealing nonetheless!
ive been super busy doing a lot of overtime, but im gonna post an update for themes.....we did a poll a few weeks back and while schoolgirl was popular overall, i broke it down by whenpeople are going and it looks like u wont have to worry......i dont think it will be a theme for the week of 14-20
Brent--we are stealing the gummi bear idea from the Octoberbreasters. Unless we hear from Lenni, we likely won't be toting 10 pounds of powdered jello down to TTR in February so I'm on a personal mission to bring a ton of alcohol-soaked gummi bears. If you want to incorporate that into a theme night, go ahead!!
I will post a response with the updated (not final) themes this weekend but i will say that the replacement to school girl night seems to be cowboy/cowgirl night, although that only edged out animal night by one vote......I think one of these 2 themes will most likely be on sunday feb. 15, so if u will be there that day and have any second thoughts on which one u want, nothing is final yet...... As for the gummys Jess (awesome idea by the way) im sure they coukd be worked in any night. But i will say that i was messaging with Pat and we talked a bit more about doing a kinda beach party for a couple hours on the wednseday night while the Ultraviolet volleyball is going on.....Plan is to bring some music and a few bottles of whatever and have some fun there before heading to Paty'os........Itll probably be tight n bright rave night too so outfits can easily transition from beach to patyos......Also, for everyone that has ever mentioned the body paint theme, this may be a good opportunity to bring some glow in the dark bodypaint to the beach for some fun too.........Now, this is all assuming its not windy as shit and cold, but either way. it could be gummys would fit right in i think