What is the best/cheapest way to get from the airport to the hotel? And, we are canadian so what currency is best to have while there to pay for stuff? Pesos, canadian or American?
USA Transfers for transportation. Use the link from this site. As for what money to use....being Canadian, I say pesos (except for the Boobs Cruise) If you use Usd for tipping here is what happens....We convert our CAD to USD and we lose money, then we tip our friendly bartender/waiter/housekeeper. They convert the USD to MXN to buy groceries. They lose money on the exchange. The only people getting any money in that situation is the banks lol i actually use all three currencies down there. CAD for USA Transfers (they take it at par to USD) USD for the Boobs Cruise MXN for absolutely everything else. Nikki
Hands down, get a transfer. Preferably USA Transfer (click on the link from this website). It's cheaper and WAY better than a taxi. The only drawback to a transfer is that you have to arrange it ahead of time. If you want to pay for cheap stuff, use Pesos. Otherwise, most everyplace in Cancun takes the US Dollar. However, you might not get the best exchange rate.
We just booked our USA transfer $55 for both ways.. So much better then the bus with everyone!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Getting a taxi at the airport costs twice as much as pre-booking a transfer ahead of time. USA Transfers will take USD, Pesos or CND at par with USD (since the owner is Canadian). You don't have to pay anything until you arrive. Once there I would recommend USD for tours and nightclub entrance, Pesos for everything else.