I'm constantly putting stuff on my wish list on Amazon for Tina and I for ideas or approval if she likes them. I love shopping for her. She likes it because she doesn't have much free time to do so.
Speaking of outfits...... just got 2 packages in the mail this morning for our trip in November. Tina is having 2 delivered today as well.
Yay....just booked. Arrive on nov 6 at 8:15 pm. So will be at patyOs about 9:30 and ready for a beer. So nov 6 to 10th. Add us to the list and those who will be there we will be ready to join you for a drink Heather and sean
We are hoping or a Boobs Cruise the 24th Hey all we have 3 couples that are hoping to make a Boobs Cruise all together the 11/24. After speaking with Steve he suggested that we post it to the group. So how does the 24th sound to those who would go? The 24th is a Monday. Please post in here. Eric and Glenda. Thanks
The 26thn would be awesome for us being part of the Chaos Crew. After about 7 cruises have never got to hit one on the first day other than our first one!