Now, it's not that bad. Loose the shawl, shorten the skirt by about 2/3's, add 6 inch stilettos, oh and loose the top. There you go! Temptation friendly!
I think the idea is you wear it, then RIP IT OFF to reveal what you *really* think is appropriate :aktion047:
"Appropriate," that is, for the following theme nights!:icon_evil: Sexy Nazi Librarian Night Sexy Cold-War Era East German Factory Worker Night Naughty Elderly Nanny Night....
Thought the actual photo was rather hilarious.......:icon_lol: this post however made me spit my coffee all over my PC! hahahaha!!!
New Kit Brilliant, looks like the new kit Forest were wearing at Tottenham tonight !!! (Sorry Steve, didn't mean it LOL). If this was the de Rigueur for TTR it could become a second Downton Abbey, now there's a thought ...are you going to ask for some samples for Janet and Chino to model ??? :clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy:
Steve don't worry because of our business I RECEIVE PLENTY OF EMAIL regardind Turbo from China .. I try to email then to stop sending me email but actually it's a dead end .. and I can't block their domain because it's and stuff like that.. Really tired to see this sh*t popping up in my mail =(
Steve you should have them send you a sample of that and have Chino's wear it on the cruise.....Then send them a photo of you promoting their product