I respectfully disagree. No one would be able to recognize her from the avatar. You don't her country...her state/province...nothing.
How about just not taking any pics CoolCat? That would solve everyones problem wouldn't it. Trying to justify something that is not cool is difficult at best. This is a really poor attempt! :aktion060:
That's comparable to saying "If women didn't wear sexy clothes, they wouldn't get raped." I suppose if we all wore berkahs, that would solve all the issues.
theses things get off track sometimes, the issue was the person had a sensitive job that could be compromised by a public photo. if one has to wear sunglasses to enjoy TTR and still keep their job , I say go for it. In this day and age it should not be an issue, but keeping ones job is important.
I agree, having women and men for that matter trying to hide under hats and wear sunglasses? Give me a break! That would take the free spirit of the fun times away, not to mention piss ALOT of people off! AJ
I like your sunglasses in your Avatar , but you tattos will give your identity away pretty quick ,lol
I know.. But I'm out of the military now, and own my own business. I'm not gonna fire myself but yes, my tattoos do give me away.. I have had that problem a few times my friend AJ
My tatts will always give my ID, I'm just thinking about the women mostly. But thanks for pointing that out, because if others with tatts are like me, they just don't think about it... Lol I have got caught skinny dipping from my tatted up body AJ