I think the pricing is quite affordable. Don't think you can beat the price of all inclusives, especially at only about 2100 for 7 day including airfare from my part of the USA. Don't get the complaints about cost.
We are more than happy with the price, if we enjoy our 2 weeks in Nov 2014, I can see us coming back every year.
Affordable is relative and very dependent on what time of year you book and who you book with and what you expect. Like most all-inclusives in Mexico the star system seems abritrary so someone coming from a european resort that's 4-star would wonder at TTR claiming to be 4-star. Relative to other 4-stars in Mexico I think it's probably close, although a 3-1/2-star is probably more realistic. That being said it's dependant on your expectations also, the staff, night life and people at the resort are a 5-star in my opinion and it's why we are willing to pay a lot if we have to, for example in April the 2 of us paid over CDN$4k for 9 days, granted that was at Easter but we've stayed in the Mayan Riveria before for less than half that. Mind you we were bored out of our minds lol. I'm more than willingly to pay for a resort that has an on site night life that keeps me up unitl the wee hours. TTR has a lot going for it in the staff, night life, people and some of the food choices. The beach is not one of those postcard type ones so people with expectations of a spectacular beach might be disappointed. It's all about what you place the most value in and that value converts to what you think is a reasonable price. It's a lot like your comments about the entertainment staff that drew peoples ire. Those people place a lot less value on that aspect and found it hard to relate to your comments. Add to that that this is a fan site and people can get testy. It's like posting that the defense is weak on a football teams fan site, you're going to get some passionate responses to a comment like that regardless of its truth. Also some people have a lot different experiences than others depending on when they go, how many CCC people are there and how out going they are. There's been comments that TTR can be a bit cliquey and if you aren't willing, or don't have the personality, to insert yourself in a conversation it can seem daunting to make friends. Bottom line, yeah, it's affordable as long as it's what you're looking for I guess lol What other resort has a fan base like this one, I think that speaks volumes, but it's not going to be everything for everyone.
There's a beach at TTR? All we seemed to find is the Sexy pool lol Actually this last trip we didn't spend any time at the beach at all...we were having way too much fun with our old and new friends in the pool.
Good point. Didn't realize the prices vary that much. I think 4K for 9 days is a bit excessive for Temptation resort. I do think about 2000-2500 for a week is reasonable (including airfare).
Yup, Jan. 2013 was about $2200 for 7 days. Supply and demand sucks! lol Sadly even though Calgary is a city of 1.25 million people our flight choices are dismal, which impacts the price a great deal also. April was a perfect storm for us though, lots of people we knew going, my birthday and Easter... but it was totally worth it
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