some people don't have to be in a tripple xxx photo to get in trouble, just a suggestive one as I mentioned. Having the safe search on or off or family filters on your computer, will also determine which photos you get to see. all a reminder to respect others and think twice before poosting
Cameras are always an issue, more so when the games are on at the Sexy Pool. We know that Amy was good at spotting people with cameras during the games and taking the camera away from them and deleting the pics right away. We take pics of our friends and ourselves and yes sometimes there are unknown people in the background usually we ask them to move out of the way so they are not in the pic..depending who they are they move or they don't but at the very least we warned them.
The picture issues mostly affect women? I doubt anyone is taking pics of the men during the sexy pool games or other crazy events. Women could wear sunglasses with a hat to hide their identity and give plausible deniability for any photos.
It was very interesting that cameras were never an issue at Pearl.........and the ladies were much more free to be naughty! Same thing likely would be the case at TTR........
The pic that was taken of me was by a friend, and like I said, almost got me kicked out of the Army. He thought it would be a good idea to post it on Facebook. That's a big problem, sometimes people you trust not to do that kinda thing, do it not knowing or should I say not thinking that it could ruin someone's life. But I can't blame him all the way, I was the one who was drunk and let a sexy woman talk me into going nude lol.. AJ
I agree, I was on leave at the time, but my CO didn't see it that way. He quoted an article from the Military code of uniform justice, and I was bumped down from E6 to E5 for 6 months. AJ
First , getting Bonnie out of bed was a task. Then I placed my Canon G12 on self timer sitting on on of the chairs, and ran out. editing... Apllied mirror image to the bottom of the photo , and some vignette ( shading) around the edges ,, you can see the transition , opps colors were untouched. Same for this one, except i changed the tint a bit