Hey Labor Day Crew just thought it's never too early start our countdown to next year. Let's see who's coming in 2015. 2014 was a fun trip and we can't wait til 2015. So let the countdown begin.
We are definitely in. We had a great time on first trip and we made some great friends too. We had so much fun we also are looking into maybe another trip in May. From looking at my work calendar we can go September 6-12. Labor Day is the 7th in 2015. Can't wait to see both of you again. Kerry & Kim Trip #1 Aug. 29-Sept. 3 2014
We are probably going to do September 5-13. It's never too early to begin the countdown! If we can coordinate dates in either April or May, we would go then also. I know some of the crew has went in April before.
We're out. We're sick and tired of the labor day crew. Everybody is too uptight and stuffy for us. :biggrinbandit: