Although we are members of the club, it was a private plane so it wasn't all that daring. I'd love to join the club on an airline but I understand that getting caught today is a really big deal. We were on an overnight trans atlantic flight last month and almost got the courage to do it but then chickened out. Anyone have any recent experiences that can offer tips?
We've had sex a few times in Estes Park and Breckenridge. Does that make us members of the Mile High Club?
We had sex on the Gondola, Big Mountain, Whitefish, Montana, full moon. I'm thinking 7000 ft. I think this might be considered mile high club. When we reached the bottom, as I stepped out and adjusted my dress the liftee looked at John, smiled and asked if I enjoyed the ride. ...B :angel1:
From what I can tell, that was the time to do it. If you got caught, no one went crazy, but the bathrooms are bigger now. (Center bathrooms. Not the side ones!)
Have never done the "mile high club" massive fan of the "great outdoors". Have also been tempted but now from what I've heard uk wise you can get arrested for such things!